TMJ (TMD) Therapy in Pickering, Ontario
Many suffer from Tempromandibular Joint pain or Tempromandibular Dysfunction. Symptoms include:
- Pain on opening.
- Inability to open wide or move from side to side comfortably
- Neck and shoulder pain.
- Ear pain, hearing loss.
- Ringing in the ears.
- Clenching, night grinding
- Chronic fatigue
- Noise, grating or popping in joint
- Chronic Temporal or occipital headache
Treatment of these problems can be complicated. The cause can often be multi-factorial. Successful treatment may involve other professionals; Physiotherapy, Chiropractors, Massage Therapy, Cranio-mandibular specialists, and Physicians.
Meaningful treatment begins with proper diagnosis. We will do a thorough evaluation of your problem to determine the best way that we can help and the appropriate therapy.